Computer Science Superheroes

Philip Don Estridge

Birth and Death
Open Me

- Philip Don Estridge was born on June 23, 1937, in Jacksonville, Florida. Sadly, he passed away on August 2, 1985, in Irving, Texas. He was 48 years of age.

Open Me

- Philip completed a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at the University of Florida.

Contributions to Computer Science
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- He is known for creating the original IBM Personal Computer in 1981. Some minor contributions he had was when he designed computer-based radar systems for the US Army, and when he worked for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


Philip Don Estridge

Marc Hannah

Birth and Death
Open Me

- Marc Hannah was born on October 19,1956 and is still alive. He is 66 years old.

Open Me

- He attended the Illinois Institute of Technology with a scholarship that he received from AT&T's Bell Laboratories. He received his B.S. in electrical engineering in 1977, his M.S. degree in 1978, and his PhD at Stanford.

Contributions to Computer Science
Open Me

- He is known for being the founder of Silicon Graphics. In 1982, Marc Hannah and his colleagues founded Silicon Graphics Incorporated, and wanted to develop high-performance graphic workstations, as well as serve for various industries.


Marc Hannah